Jeopardy could be playing a new role for university students. The SAT and ACT scores used to be for entering students into the UC system. But that school is now using a different take for students interested in education. UC schools are going to utilize Jeopardy questions for that project. The report suggests that the university is newly testing the questions for students. Their performance could change how universities use the intro questions too.

New Testing

For the incoming class of 2024, the university launched a test program for a limited, random sample of applicants.

Key Takeaways:

Jeopardy is a hit TV show and people want to follow it. One class is going to test their mettle against a battery of Jeopardy questions.
The SAT and ACT are worth a look for many students. But UC is going to change how that process is handled.
Learn more about the class of 2024 and what they will do. The university is changing how the questions are handled today.

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