How to Transform Your Kindle into an English Learning Tool

The Kindle is shown as a good way to learn English or to gain a further mastery of the English language, especially in the context of matriculating to more challenging reading material. A summary of mostly built-in features are pitched alongside a limited selection of easily accessible proprietary content.

This site is a good resource for someone who wants to study English and the neuroscience of learning.

Along with benefits the Kindle inherently has such as variety, convenience, and portability there are also a lot of hidden features to increase proficiency. There’s a dictionary that links to definitions from inside books and also saves your list of words. There’s Word Wise that provides simple definitions in harder material. Whispersync allows you to switch quickly from normal text to the book being spoken. Lastly, there’s a tool for sharing books among small groups if one would like to start a book club or just have someone to discuss and share a reading experience.
By taking advantage of features on the Kindle e-reader, you can supercharge your reading with vocabulary building tools, audio resources and book sharing, among others. So put on your cape and check out the world of secret reading powers just waiting for you in your Kindle.
~ FluentU

Key Takeaways:

The built-in dictionary in your kindle saves time when looking up words.
With Kindle you have all of your books in one place.
Kindle won’t get heavier when you download more books.