Imagine a Better Reader

Are you or your child having trouble reading due to dyslexia? It can be hard trying to help your child achieve reading readiness when such a difficult diagnosis is getting in the way. Lindamood-Bell has worked for nearly 30 years teaching thousands of children and adults to successfully master reading.
Their approach is a simple twist on traditional learning. Instead of sticking with mostly phonemic and sight word recognition, which can be difficult to those with dyslexia, the Seeing Stars Program introduces symbol-imagery. By stimulating symbol-imagery students can begin to see improvements with reading and spelling by rewiring the way the brain works to while looking at text.
Traditional reading help focuses on how to sound out words as well as reading and spelling rules. While these activities have value, they do not affect the necessary imagery-language connection. They do not change how a student is processing language.
~ Lindamood-Bell

Key Takeaways:

Lindamood-Bell has a rich, three-decade experience with teaching people to read, but even students with additional help can still struggle.
Symbol imagery, the ability to visualize letters, is an important, sometimes missed, connection.
Lindamood-Bell’s Seeing Stars Program has created a program that focuses on symbol imagery for reading and spelling.