Visual Motion Perception and Dyslexia

The visual sensitivity to motion is correlated with a person's reading skills but this has been debated for years. Recent research has been done and provided information that there is a correlation in visual aspects and dyslexia.

Visual motion difficulties could affect rates of visual scanning and contribute to visual misses or substitutions in paper and pencil work.

The visual aspects of dyslexia have not been extensively studied, but they are as important as understanding day-to-day challenges and the need for accommodations and optimizing visual environments in classroom work and on the job. The visual motion difficulties could affect rates of visual scanning and contribute to visual misses or substitutions in paper and pencil work that may affect the perception of dyslexic people.
Visual aspects of dyslexia haven’t been as extensively studied, but they are nevertheless important for understanding day-to-day challenges and the need for accommodations and optimizing visual environments in classroom work and on the job.
~ Dyslexic Advantage Team

Key Takeaways:

Reading skills are correlated with visual sensitivity to motion.
Over the years there has been considerable debate about the visual aspects of dyslexia.
Visual aspects of dyslexia are important for understanding day-to-day challenges and the need for accommodations.