Turn Your Favorite Gadgets into English Learning Tools!

Phones are a tool for learning languages, and they are underutilized as such. One mechanism for learning through your phone is by looking at websites and other online tools. Smartphones have additionally evolved capacities to use phone assistants or other apps to assist in learning languages. Phones and other devices that are internet enabled allow one to learn languages more fluently.

Accessories and gadgets that you already own can be used every day to pick up new English vocabulary and grammar or practice speaking and listening.

Phones are not the only tool for language learning based in the digital realm. For example, music players, e-readers, and notebooks can also be used. Music players can play things that will allow you to learn languages, while e-readers can be used to study for beginning, intermediate, and advanced learners. Pen and paper notebooks, along with flashcards, can also be useful.
Websites you enjoy visiting can be great tools for your English practice. I don’t mean the websites specifically made to help you learn English, like WordReference forums or BBC Leaning English.

Key Takeaways:

Using your phone to learn or better your English is a good way to make use of technology.
While you wait or are idle, using your phone to read your favourite blog or writer is a way to strengthen your literacy.
YouTube is also a great way to learn by your phone because some videos even have captions that further understanding or fill in spaces you have missed.