Unconventional Summer Learning

It is time to gear up for a new school year. Children typically take a break from learning over summer vacation but now it’s time to get back in the groove. The article “Uncoventional Summer Learning” gives good ideas for painless and fun ways to get your child back on the learning track. This is a very brief article, but contains some good points.
The key is to do things together with your child that they don’t even realize they are being educated while doing them. Some examples are given on where to take your child to non classroom experiences that they can enjoy and learn from at the same time. This can boost your child’s learning skills and prepare for the return to the classroom in the fall.
The summer is drawing to a close and the school year is going to begin again. You don’t want to burn your child out with new information, but you also want to warm up their brains for a new school year.
~ Taylor Quinn

Key Takeaways:

The end of summer is a perfect time to start transitioning your child from summer fun to classroom learning.
IMAX movies can be a fun way of learning before school with their many educational documentaries.
Children’s museums not only transition your child into learning mode but also help with getting back to socializing with the other children.