The ABC’s of autism: Preparing children for school #spd

This article touches on one family’s experience with their child who has autism including the different actives they do to prepare him to go back to school as kids with autism do not like change so going back to school can be difficult for them. This family goes over with their child where they will be to pick him up and drop him off, and they even make sure they take the tags out of his clothes as this bothers him and they want to keep the sensory input to a minimum for him. They do suggest different things for each child with autism because it is different for each child.

With the number of autism diagnoses rising, more families face the struggles of preparing children so resistant to change for the start of school.
~ Crystal VanderWeit

Educating autistic children is a challenge that some are rising to meet.

The article also touches on one specific teacher at Johnson Elementary School in Athens: Annie Granger. Annie Granger has an open heart and mind when working with students with autism spectrum disorder and has dedicated her life to helping kids with this disorder. Any time someone from another school district has questions they call her. The number of kids with autism has risen in recent years which have been accredited to identifying the disorder but many of Annie’s friends and co workers say it is because of her outreach to these kids.

Key Takeaways:

Change is very difficult for autistic children, especially when it comes to school.
Autism is rising on the charts in children and learning to help adjust children with autism to school is a challenge in itself.
It is important for autistic children to know where their classroom is, where they will eat lunch, where to go to the bathroom, where they will be picked up at the end of the day, so that they are more comfortable with their surroundings and school day.