My Son’s Tantrums Were Taking Over Our Life — Until His Diagnosis Opened My Eyes #spd

Children with SPD can often be misdiagnosed or labeled with autism, ADD, and ADHD, often because these three are far more understood and commonly accepted.
~ Rachel Garlinghouse

SPD, ADD, and ADHD have symptoms that mirror one another.

When parenting a child with SPD, unpredictability is the biggest struggle. Dealing with people who don’t understand SPD is another struggle. Some children with SPD will still throw tantrums when they are too old to be doing that. There is usually something more than tantrums when this happens. Some people think that it’s just kids being kids.

Key Takeaways:

Having a child that has tantrums or behavior issues well beyond the age-appropriate guidelines can be exhausting and others may brush it off to gender profiling.
There is a line between having a tantrum and needing help with occupational therapists.
Only a true professional diagnoses can determine if it is more than age or if the child has a sensory processing disorder.