New Study Conducted Shed Light to Possible Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder #spd

Adults enjoy watching their children outgrow the counting on fingers technique when it comes to math. Counting on fingers is considered to be less intelligent than figuring our problems in their head. Adults think of it as a way of their children getting smarter but they’re wrong. Singhal says, “Fingers are a useful and visual aid to learning.”

One of the characteristics that people often think about when Autism Spectrum Disorder sinks in is sensory dysfunction.
~ Lani Lane

Sometimes the simplest ways are the best when it comes to continued math education.

When students’ struggle having a visual aid, such as counting on fingers, can help them when solving mathematics, Singhal says, “children who have a better knowledge of finger-math do better in following grades.” Parents are now seeing that it is better to allow your kids to do math by counting on fingers so that it makes it easier for them. And to let them do it can make them better at math in the long run.

Key Takeaways:

New research at Vanderbilt Kennedy Center has identified new possible treatments for autism.
The researchers found a link between Autism Spectrum Disorder and the serotonin system.
The group is now working to prove their thesis.