Overland Park firefighters share magical day with kids #spd

What do you know about the service that firefighters bring to the city? Chances are that if you live in a city, you know how vital they are to everyday living in the case of an emergency. However, every now and again they take time to give back to the kids of the community.

The local firefighters bring a fun day to kids with special needs.

This was the case when Overland Park firefighters shared a magical day with local kids. What was even more special was that this day was a fun day for kids with special needs. These children look forward to this event every year just like the firefighters do as well. Many of the children do not have many social opportunities because of their challenges.

Key Takeaways:

Overland firefighters take their own time on a sunny spring Saturday, to give back to the community to create awareness of the job they do
They give special needs kids, ‘scary’ rides on the fire trucks and show them firsthand the adventure and danger of being a firefighter. They allowed kids to spray the hoses and honk the horns, all in good community fun.
Not only did they give the kids a wonderful experience that made them feel valuable, but parents were given the opportunity to interact with other parents of kids with special needs