Putting together the pieces: New Orleans doctors and therapists make autism navigable #spd

In New Orleans, doctors are finding that early detection of autism-spectrum conditions is the key to helping kids and families overcome the condition. If the child’s language skills do not develop according to common guidelines, or if the child looses language or social skills at any time, the parents are urged to have their child evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible.

If a baby does not babble, coo or gesture by 12 months, say single words by 16 months or two-word phrases by 24 months, or if there is a loss of language or social skills at any point, he or she should be evaluated by a doctor.
~ Katherine M. Johnson

Early detection of autism is a fundamental step in the treatment process.

Medicine is not the only way to deal with autism. These days, many doctors view autism as a learning disability, and many doctors recommend occupational therapy. In addition, many therapy programs also take an integrated approach, to bridge the therapy into other parts of the day, and help the child to generalize the therapy into all parts of his life. Toward that end, many autism therapists now see the benefit of developing the child’s creative expression through art, and other such multidisciplinary treatments.

Key Takeaways:

The CDC estimates that autism rates have more than doubled since 2000.
Autism often occurs in instances of comorbidity.
Creative expression is an effective supplement to therapy for individuals with autism.