A Video Game May Help Children With ADD #spd

A new video game is being tested among children with ADHD. Parents have expressed dismay when their child is assigned ADHD. They may be fulfilling a valuable national research role unlike any other out there. Students with sensory overload may notice that their brain doesn’t work right. The video game has the potential to change that for them.

Video games are available to assist with learning struggles.

Some details were omitted from the article itself on ADHD. The name of the video game has been restricted for reasons that is because the study is still ongoing and details need to be collected. But researchers have made strides when it comes to video games themselves. These students have tried therapies with modest success in the past.

Key Takeaways:

Stella Schwartz was diagnosed with sensory processing dysfunction at a young age.
A new video game has helped her cope with her symptoms.
Researchers claim that nearly a third of students with ADD or SPD saw their symptoms disappear with as little as 30 minutes of game play per day.