We all have different ways we learn and remember things, and that may be because our individual brains are structured differently. In this video, Hadley Bergstrom explains his studies of small structures in the brain called spines, which are thought to store memory. Bergstrom has started taking detailed measurements of these spines to relate them to different types of learning and memory in the brain.

By digitally enhancing the brain, scientists are finding that different types of learning and memory can alter the brain in unique ways. For example, lighting up a brain cell with a green fluorescent protein allows them to look at the structure of a cell, and take measurements of the different states between learning and memory. Because of his studies, Bergstrom advises people to stay curious, and problems are only natural -- the key is to stay persistent, and good outcomes will happen.

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"Different types of learning and memory can actually alter the brain in different ways."

Key Takeaways:

Hadley Bergstrom studies small structures in the brain called spines, which are thought to store memory.
By measuring the spines and distances between them, Bergstrom has learned that different types of learning and memories can actually alter the structure of the brain.
Bergstrom advises people to stay curious in their surroundings and persistent in what they do; that is what will lead to positive outcomes.

Laboratory of Behavioral & Genomic Neuroscience Behavior Study

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