The author of “The Math Myth” has some interesting insight on the schooling system and how they are gearing our children in the wrong direction in regards to math. By no means does he refute that math is not essential but he is stating that the schools are focusing their attention in the wrong direction.

Bob Goodman, executive director of the New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning, developed an algebra-based physics course for ninth graders at the technical school where he worked.
~Tara García Mathewson

“Math Myth” author thinks schools teach children the wrong kind of math.

While it is important to gear children in math to prepare them for jobs in the real world by focusing on the wrong kind of math. While he doesn’t advocate for advanced math as the push for higher education for all job positions but instead he advocates for numeracy education option.

Key Takeaways:

Schools may be forcing students to learn both too much math and the wrong sort of math for success in life.
Success in math is correlated with success in school, and colleges are beginning to revamp their math curriculae to teach students who arrive without the necessary background.
Teaching math in other ways, such as through physics projects, has also been shown to increase interest and ability in math.

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