Gering public schools are hoping to bring more rigor into the classroom for their future students by realizing that all teachers regardless of grade taught, need to understand what is being taught at each grade so that they know what to expect of their students at any given time. The goal is to have students graduate who are prepared for their continued education.

A committee of teachers at Gering Public Schools studied various math materials this past year in order to find curriculum with the right amount of rigor to fit students in the district.
~Jeff Smith

Gering public schools offer new tools and training to teachers.

Gering invested almost $300,000 in the future of their students by acquiring all new math textbooks and supplies for their students. Teachers will use these new tools to improve learning across the board and to bridge any gaps in curriculum. They hope to engage in vertical alignment across the school by having all teachers involved in conversation about the program.

Key Takeaways:

The Gering Public Schools district recently conducted a thorough review of mathematics curriculum materials in order to find material with the correct amount of rigor for the district’s students to meet state mathematics requirements.
A committee of teachers from elementary through high school collaborated to find mathematics materials to ensure there were no gaps in the material.
Kindergarten through 12th grade teachers will be introduced to the new mathematics materials and attending training prior the roll-out to students in the fall of 2017.

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