It is no secret that students can differ vastly from one end of the spectrum to the other when it comes to math. However, some students may be struggling with an abnormality in certain areas of the brain that can affect their ability to learn basic math skills. It has to do with the procedural memory portion of the brain.

Procedural memory is a learning and memory system that is crucial for the automatisation of non-conscious skills, such as driving or grammar and depends on a network of brain structures, including the basal ganglia and regions in the frontal and parietal lobes, the study said.

Some people who struggle with math have differences in their brains.

What happens when you learn math skills is that they become automatic which is where the procedural memory comes into play. Those that have this learning obstacle, math may not become automatized and more problematic for children with a math learning obstacle like this. Read more in this article to learn more!

Key Takeaways:

Michael T. Ullman, Professor at the Georgetown University published in Frontiers in Psychology his finding regarding the mathematical development in children.
He finds that procedural memory plays a larger part in math comprehension, dyslexia, and language disorders. Procedural memory includes the basal ganglia as well as frontal and parietal lobes. Declarative memory often compensates to some extent.
Procedural and declarative memory work together in learning.

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