Math is a part of everyday life. The following are suggestions you can do at home or on the go to increase your child’s interest in math, in a creative and playful manner. At home, try baking with your child to increase your child’s understanding of measuring. Questioning your child while completing daily routines such setting the table, cleaning up, or eating snack can help your child to count, complete simple addition or subtraction problems, as well as comparing groups of numbers. While you are out and about, estimate how long the tunnel is or how many steps it will take to get from one place to another. Number recognition can be practiced while searching for numbers on license plates.
Board games, Legos, and storytelling can also be used to engage your child in mathematical thinking. Board games develop counting skills as well as introduce pictures to represent numbers. In addition, your child will be learning how to play fairly. Spatial thinking can be developed with Legos. Bricks can be used to recognize quantities without counting, developing the idea of multiplication, and fractions. Creating math stories and riddles is only part of the fun. After telling a story creates addition and subtraction sentences as you act them out. There are many fun ways to incorporate math into your day!
If you start playing with the number plates of cars, whilst out for a drive, your journey will feel shorter and your children will become more familiar with numbers.

Key Takeaways:

Board games and card games are great math practice.
Legos help teach math concepts as a learner builds with blocks.
Riddles are fun as students learn the concept of math.

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