Reading in school years is taught as a skill until about third grade. By that time, the skill of being able to read is a necessary element to learning; at this point, most knowledge will either come from or be supplemented by written instruction, exams, note taking and the like.

State leaders are touting their efforts to ensure all children are reading on grade level by third grade, a key milestone when students transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.”

Iowa and its education team have focused on getting reading scores to increase. In the past school year, students in the beginning primary grades of K-3 increased reading levels to being on par with their age group in 70 percent of all grades involved in the education push to reach reading milestones.
An additional 5,100 students in kindergarten through third grade who were below grade-level benchmarks in the fall improved by the spring, according to 2016-17 state data.
~Des Moines Register (IA)

Key Takeaways:

Iowa focuses on early reading efforts across the school district itself. State educators want to see changes being made across several important areas.
There were over 5000 students in Kindergarten to the third grade that are below reading level. But by spring, these students had made a complete turnaround on the whole.
Educational leaders are pushing for more curriculum changes for these students. Each new school year brings about vital changes to the curriculum itself.

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