The new school year can be a stressful testing time for both your child and you as a parent. You can find many articles talking about how to deal with this time of the year; however, Dr. Richard Selznick can help you with these tips for combating this tough time when you have a child who has had difficulty adjusting in the past. Dr. Selznick gives three main tips you can use to conquer the blues for the new school year.

This article would be good for parents of younger kids returning to school.

The first tip is to not stress over your child’s homework too much. If you find yourself getting anxious because of the homework, find a way to cool yourself down by doing some exercise, splash your face with cold water, or have an adult drink. Secondly, if your child is having a meltdown because of their homework, treat them the same way you just treated yourself, have them go outside and play to recharge and ready themselves to finish the task. If this doesn’t work, write the teacher a note explaining the situation at hand. Finally, brush things off. If things get super revved up, act as if it’s not a big deal, and let them decide what to do.
~Dr. Richard Selznick

Key Takeaways:

Articles that offer tips for how to have an easy school year rarely help kids who are struggling.
Instead, here is a list of tips that can help struggling kids and their parents have an easier school year.
Tips include lessening the pressure around homework and helping your child when they have a melt-down.

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