Dr. Benne Sykes is featured in the new documentary, The Overly Emotional Child

This new documentary helps parents gain a deeper understanding of why children may have BIG Emotions.

Learn how you can help your child:


  • Eliminate tantrums
  • Stop shutting down
  • prevent overreacting


Like a complete course to help parents and children gain emotional intelligence together.

Get more info on the documentary at




Liz Weaver (00:00):

In today's video, we have dr. Benne Sykes, Dr. Benne combines her experience as US army veteran life coach leader, and school choice advocate to create a unique homeschool curriculum and her hard love approach to problem solving and commitment. She believes people have the ability to transform at the deepest level when identifying their Avila ability to love yourself through the toughest situations and this video, dr. Ben talks about how parents can be emotionally stable for their children. Let's watch.


Dr Benne Sykes (00:35):

Hi everyone. I'm doc Ben. And today we're going to be talking about how parents can be more emotionally stable for their children. Parents are being pulled in a million different directions. Every day it's you have to plan for your day. And especially if you are a single parent household or you're military or first responder or firefighter or anybody who works your regular hours. And you know, sometimes they're, it's, it's crazy. You have to manage your time. And when seeking emotional stability, it's going to be hard if you are constantly wearing down your battery. So I'm going to give you some tools and tips. I'm going to give you some of my rules and tips for you know, becoming, you know, making yourself more emotionally stable. Number one, take care of yourself on a regular basis. I am a veteran who has PTSD.


Dr Benne Sykes (01:27):

I have to, as a matter of necessity, take care of my mental health. And when I don't, it affects my children. So what we're going to do is take care of yourself. First. It's like on an airplane. When, if the oxygen masks come down, you're supposed to put it on yourself first, and then you're supposed to help your child. That's what we're going to start doing here. You need to start taking care of yourself and develop your own interests. 18 years is a long time, and it goes by really quickly and very slowly. So make sure you develop your own interests because when your children don't need you as much as they do like the ages from being a tween to a high school or whatever, you're going to have to occupy your time. And you're going to have to start preparing yourself for when your children are no longer in your household. I have to do that with my oldest daughter. She's she's 22. She's out the house. She's going to school. She's doing really well. Good dropping your art show beyond. But, but you have to make sure you do that. Number two, be your child's. They're not your best friends. They're your, they're your children. And you need to start parenting them.


Dr Benne Sykes (02:42):

When what irritates me is when children know about adult issues that their parents have with other adults that shouldn't be happening, you should maintain your boundaries, treat them. They're not your gossip, buddy. They're not your confidant, they're your child. You need to remember that. And it's, it's easy to forget when you're a single-parent household and you have things that need to be done, but you have to remember, they're not your partner, they're your child. And probably the biggest tip that I'm going to probably get a lot of stuff for and stop living vicariously through your children. And by that, I mean, stop having the ha stop, giving them interests that interest you and not interest them because you didn't do it as a child. You didn't have the opportunity to, as a child. It happens a lot of times with, you know, seeing dancing and you know, those kids to do things that the parents wanted to do and not necessarily what they want





Pushing your kids extra hard

Dr Benne Sykes (03:56):

You see this a lot in college. So sometimes if you see a parent that didn't graduate high school, you're going to push your kid extra hard to finish high school. If you didn't go to college, you're gonna push really extra hard to go to college, but that's your dream. That's not their dream. And their dream might be different. And by finding out what interests them, they're going to be guaranteed to stick with it a long time. And then you don't have to go with the back and forth with, Oh, well this I'm just, I want him to live. And it's normal for us to want our children to live a better life than what we had when we were kids. However, when it comes to that kind of stuff, it's best not to push because what's going to happen is what if in 10 years they say, you know what, mom, I don't really want to be a lawyer.


Dr Benne Sykes (04:50):

I want to be something else. I want to be a I don't know an actress, which is totally viable, it's viable as a career profession, but there are certain things you have to do with it to be successful. And when you put all of your eggs in one basket and you get resentful, when people don't do what you think they should have done and your children, aren't going to do what they supposed to do all the time. So yeah, you have to really be careful about that. So I guess that's it for now. Thank you so much for listening and.


Make sure to watch the full documentary on childhood emotions. You'll learn how to help your child manage their own emotions. You'll learn about your own emotions and how they affect your child. And you'll learn simple ways of helping children improve behavior.

Get more info at



When seeking emotional stability, it's going to be hard if you are constantly wearing down your battery.

Key Takeaways:

Take care of yourself first
Develop your own interests
You are not your child's friend. You are their parent

Emotionally Stable Kids - Dr. Benne Sykes

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