No matter what it is that kids Struggle With, Mothers are their greatest force
Hey SuperMoms
You know what? Kids go through a lot of tough stuff while growing up, like dealing with school, making friends, figuring out their feelings, and just becoming their own person. Not to mention, all those physical changes they experience! It's a wild ride, for sure. So, here's a question: Is it possible for the unwavering love and support of a mother to empower her child to overcome even the most daunting challenges life throws at them. Get them through not only the normal ups and downs, but even a big one, if it comes along? And still help them come out on top
Sir Richard Branson seems to think so.
And is the opposite true? Can a mother cause a brilliant child to develop anxieties that cause them to struggle throughout life?
I’m pretty sure that you’ve already answered yes to both of these questions right? But let’s dig in a little deeper and figure out precisely what these Mom SUPERPOWERS are. How to amplify those superpowers. And of course, just in case we had some less than ideal parenting when we were growing up,[3] how to make sure we’re not repeating any of those parenting mistakes from the past.
And, to be absolutely sure we’re on the right track let’s check out the science on it too.
All of that is in this video. So stay tuned.
Alright, first things first. Let's admit it. Good moms are superheroes. Lets talk about Mom superpowers. And how those superpowers lead to a child’s success.
Let’s go through those superpowers one by one. First there is
Emotional Support:
A nurturing and supportive environment helps children develop confidence, resilience, and a healthy sense of self-worth. When mothers provide emotional support, they lay the groundwork for their children's overall well-being and set them up for success in life.
Confidence, resilience, and a healthy sense of self-worth. These are essential qualities for a successful life. Plus, Mom hugs are the best, am I right? A mother's emotional support, my friends, sets them up for success in life.
A huge part of this is being a safe base. That means letting them explore the world with the knowledge that if something gets scary you’ve got their back. Letting them have independence but with a backup plan. This is a fundamental way children develop confidence and courage. Essential qualities for anyone.
It’s a well-known fact that mothers who prioritize and invest in their children's education set them up for academic success. Reading to children and engaging in intellectual discussions helps to instill a love for learning and a strong educational foundation.
Malcolm X famously said “The mother is the first teacher of the child. The message she gives that child, that child gives to the world.”
And many others have reiterated that sentiment. Such as Barbara Bush who said “The home is the child’s first school, the parent is the child’s first teacher, and reading is the child’s first subject.”
Mom-as-teacher? Yes, please! And it’s a fact anyway. Education comes first from home. And the more involved parents are in that education the better. Especially if there is a learning struggle. Parents can remediate a learning struggle with the Learning Success System. Parents who do just a few minutes of the Learning Success System before homework time can really make that homework go a lot easier. It helps them build up the fundamental learning skills needed for success. The grit to get through the tough stuff. And even takes advantage of brain-building neurogenesis and neuroplasticity.
And a quick fact. Did you know that a new study just came out that showed that the average intelligence in the US is dropping? For about the last hundred years it's been rising at about 3 IQ points per decade. Now, all of a sudden, in the early 2000’s it started dropping.
Scary right? Yes it’s time to start paying attention and doing all the things to help kids develop their brains. Which mostly happens at home. Things like nutrition.
Role Modeling:
You know what they say: “Like mother, like child”.
Moms who show off positive behaviors and values teach their kids what it means to be a good person. And that's a pretty great recipe for success.
As moms, we can be powerful role models. By embodying positive behaviors and values like hard work, honesty, and kindness, we can inspire our kids to adopt these traits and develop good character, which will serve them well throughout their lives.
And another thing that they pick up from us, but more subtly, is emotional intelligence. Of all of the factors that lead to a successful happy life, emotional intelligence is at the top. Some very successful people claim its the number one factor in their success [gv video]
You can learn more about emotional intelligence and how to pass it down to your child by watching our documentary. “The Overly Emotional Child.” You can check out the trailer right here
Encouragement and Praise:
Give it up to the moms who are always cheering on their kids! Encouragement and praise from moms can help kids develop a growth mindset, making them unstoppable when it comes to overcoming challenges. Recognizing children's efforts and accomplishments can motivate them to continue striving for success.
But it is critical to use praise in the right ways. Praising attributes can lead to a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset hinders learning and growth and can lead to low self-esteem and anxiety. Instead, praise effort. That leads to a growth mindset. And having a growth mindset is a big predictor of success. It’s such an important concept we made a full video on it which you can get right here
Moms are the ultimate social coaches. They teach their kids how to make friends, share toys, and play nice, which will definitely help them succeed in life and relationships.
These lessons teach strong social skills like empathy, cooperation, and communication. These skills set children up for better relationships and networking opportunities in the future.
Quick note. In the past it was thought that the best way to be tops in business was to be cut-throat and merciless. In today's world that idea is being challenged by some of the top business leaders. These leaders emphasize empathy, treating others well, and good communication as the way to the top.
In other words, soft skills. Sure the other way can work, it can lead to huge fortunes. but doesn’t always lead to a good life. There are a lot of unhappy people at the top. Gary Vaynerchuk considers it so important that he’s written a book on it. Highly recommended!
Now, let's get real and talk about the ways moms can accidentally trip up their kids' future success.
Since you're watching this video these probably don’t apply to you. But it’s a good idea to be aware anyway. Number one is:
We know moms just want to keep their kids safe, but sometimes, too much protection can hold kids back. [5 overprotective] Helicopter parenting can make it tough for kids to learn to take risks and face challenges on their own. Remember that secure base we talked about?
Overly protective mothers may unintentionally stifle their children's independence and risk-taking. This can hinder their ability to face challenges and succeed in the future
Excessive Criticism:
Nobody's perfect, but constant criticism from moms can be a real downer. It can make kids afraid to take risks and chase their dreams.
Constant criticism can erode a child's self-esteem and create a fear of failure. This can inhibit their willingness to take risks and pursue ambitious goals.
Of course we do need to guide them. Can’t just let them run amuck. So how do we do it?
There is a healthy way for moms (and all parents) to provide constructive criticism to their children. The key is to ensure that the criticism is focused on specific behaviors, actions, or choices, rather than on the child's character or worth. Here are some guidelines for offering healthy, constructive criticism:
Be specific: Clearly identify the behavior or action that needs improvement. Avoid general or vague statements that may leave your child confused or frustrated.
Use "I" statements: Express your concerns using "I" statements to describe how you feel or what you have observed, rather than placing blame on the child. For example, say "I noticed that you didn't finish your homework," instead of "You're always so lazy."
Focus on the behavior, not the child: Make sure your criticism targets the specific behavior or action and not the child's character or personality. This helps prevent your child from internalizing the criticism as a reflection of their self-worth.
Offer guidance and support: After expressing your concern, provide guidance or suggestions for improvement. Offer your help and support in finding a solution or working on the issue together.
Choose the right time and place: Select a calm and private setting to discuss your concerns. Avoid discussing sensitive issues in front of others or during moments of high stress or emotional intensity.
Balance criticism with praise: Make an effort to acknowledge and praise your child's efforts, strengths, and achievements. This helps maintain a positive relationship and reinforces their self-esteem.
Be empathetic: Show understanding and empathy for your child's feelings and experiences. This helps them feel heard and respected, making them more receptive to your guidance.
By following these guidelines, moms can provide constructive criticism that helps their children learn, grow, and develop healthy habits and behaviors, without damaging their self-esteem or confidence.
Next we have:
Poor Role Modeling:
Hey, moms are human too. But when moms demonstrate negative behaviors or values, kids can pick up on those habits, and that might not be great for their future success.
If a mother demonstrates negative behaviors or values, children may adopt these traits and develop poor character, which can negatively impact their future success.
And then there is
Lack of Emotional Support:
When kids don't get enough emotional support from their moms, they can struggle to develop confidence and self-worth, which can make it harder for them to succeed in life.
Emotional support is so critical at those young ages. So is helping them to understand their emotions. We cover how to teach them to understand their emotions in the “Overly Emotional Child” documentary. So be sure to check that out.
Next is:
Neglect has far-reaching effects on children. Neglecting kids' needs – whether it's emotional, educational, or social – can leave them feeling lost and unprepared to face life's challenges. While I know that’s not you, maybe look out for it in your community. It’s so prevalent and so terrible.
Now that all that is covered let’s talk about a struggle that a lot of kids have that often goes unnoticed for far too long. It happens to the smartest of kids. And thats why it often doesn’t get noticed. Because they are so smart, no one would guess they were struggling
Learning Struggles
When children have learning struggles can the influence of a mother be stronger than the difficulties that a learning disability may cause? The answer to that is a definite yes.
As a matter of fact. Gary Vanerchuk and Richard Branson, two extremely intelligent and extremely successful entrepreneurs featured in the clips you saw just a few minutes ago, both struggled in school and both attribute their success to their mother pushing them through the struggles in a loving way.
Doing all of the things we mentioned early in this video.
A mother's emotional support can help the child build resilience, self-confidence, and a positive self-image, despite the challenges they may face due to their learning struggle. By encouraging the child's strengths and interests, a mother can foster a sense of self-efficacy and motivation, which can help the child persevere in the face of challenges. The confidence and grit built through encouragement and emotional support will often help a child find their true gifts. And once a person doubles down on their gifts, well, success is almost inevitable at that point.
When there is a learning struggle it may be even more important for a mother to work with her child to develop essential life skills, such as organization, time management, and communication, these help them succeed in various aspects of life, despite their learning disability.
And then there’s early intervention: Identifying and addressing a learning disability as early as possible can improve the child's chances of reaching their full potential. A mother's natural gut feeling is faster at catching a problem than the school system. Mothers are just better at that too. If they are struggling, do what thousands of other parents have done and start them on a free trial of the Learning Success System
And, if necessary, advocacy: A proactive mother can advocate for her child's needs within the educational system, ensuring they receive appropriate accommodations, resources, and support to succeed academically. We’ve done a full video series on this in case you need it
Mothers really have superpowers in these areas. They can really guide their child’s future.
The Science
What about science? Can we prove that all of this is true?
Yes, there is a substantial body of research that demonstrates a correlation between good parenting and the success of children. Various aspects of parenting, such as warmth, responsiveness, and appropriate discipline, have been found to be positively associated with children's academic achievement, psychological well-being, and social competence.
Some notable research findings include:
Parenting styles: Research by psychologist Diana Baumrind identified four primary parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful. Studies have consistently shown that children of authoritative parents, who exhibit high levels of warmth and responsiveness along with appropriate expectations and discipline, tend to have better academic performance, social skills, and psychological well-being compared to children of parents with other parenting styles. We did a full video on that too if you’d like to check it out [point up with left]
Parental involvement: A meta-analysis conducted by William Jeynes found that parental involvement in children's education, including helping with homework, attending school events, and discussing school-related matters, was positively associated with children's academic achievement.
Attachment: Research on attachment theory by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth has demonstrated the importance of secure attachment between children and their caregivers. Children who develop secure attachments with their parents tend to exhibit better emotional regulation, social competence, and resilience in the face of adversity. This is also going to lead to more successful relationships later on in life. Especially a romantic relationship. So, if you’re looking forward to enjoying grandkids one day. Well, enough said right?
Socio-emotional support: Many studies have shown that children who receive consistent emotional support from their parents are more likely to develop strong self-esteem, emotional intelligence, and a healthy sense of self-worth, all of which contribute to overall success in life.
Home environment: Research has also emphasized the importance of a positive home environment that promotes learning, curiosity, and exploration. A stimulating home environment with access to books, educational materials, and engaging activities has been linked to better cognitive and language development in children.
While there are certainly other factors, such as genetics, individual temperament, peer relationships, and socio-economic status, the early years of parenting are pretty powerful. And Mom’s have the superpowers to make those years wonderful. Ensuring a good future for their children.
Some would say Mom superpowers are more powerful than all of the struggles combined.
So thank you for being an amazing SuperMom. You are the starting point for a better world for all of us.
Key Takeaways:
Parental Involvement in Education
We want to emphasize the importance of parental involvement in their children's education. Research has consistently shown that when parents are involved in their child’s schooling, they are more likely to perform better academically and have a more positive attitude towards school. Parental involvement can take many forms including helping with homework, talking about school-related issues, attending school events, and promoting a positive home environment.
Creating a Positive Home Environment
Fostering a safe and nurturing home environment is also important in helping children succeed in life. Parents can create an environment that is stimulating, encouraging exploration, and providing access to books, educational materials, and other engaging activities. Research has linked such environments to better cognitive and language development in children.
Providing Emotional Support
It is important for parents to provide their children with consistent emotional support. Research shows that providing emotional support helps children develop strong self-esteem, emotional intelligence, and a healthy sense of self-worth – all of which contribute to overall success in life.
There are many simple ways parents can contribute to the success of their children. Early years of parenting matter and it is up to parents to provide their children with secure attachments, a positive home environment, and emotional support. These actions will pay off in the long run and help ensure that their children have the skills they need to succeed
Benefits of Authoritative Parenting
Authoritative parenting involves setting expectations that are appropriate for a child’s age while also encouraging independence and autonomy. Studies have found that children raised in authoritative households tend to demonstrate higher self-esteem, better academic performance, less behavioral problems, and more healthy relationships with peers.
Children who are raised in an authoritative environment have parents who are both warm and responsive to their needs while also being able to set limits and boundaries. This type of parenting allows children to learn important life skills like problem solving, decision-making, and communication. Additionally, research has found that authoritative parenting promotes the development of internal control mechanisms such as self-regulation, which can lead to a greater coping capacity and less vulnerability to stress.
Overall, authoritative parenting seems to create an environment that is conducive for children’s psychological well-being and academic success. It allows children to feel secure in their own lives, as well as learning how to be independent and make responsible decisions. Furthermore, authoritative parenting has been linked to positive outcomes like greater self-esteem and resilience. These qualities can help children succeed in school and go on to lead successful adult lives.
Moms have the power to give their kids the gift of success.
With the Learning Success System, parents can now help their children overcome learning disabilities like dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia. Take advantage of a free trial and get access to activities that improve neuroplasticity, focus problems, reading difficulties, math difficulties, confidence, and grit.
The Learning Success System can be done at home with only 15 minutes a day. Join now and give your children the gift of success. Let us help you get started on the journey to success!
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