Taking Time To Vent
Melanie Musson has four kids and wants kids to learn to realize their full potential. She thinks that time is a huge factor when it comes to emotional responses in people. Controlling the emotional response you have toy your kids is very important. The first thing you will wanna do is take some time for the emotion to die down so you can think about it in a rational way. This is very important to help kids. Read more about how a parent's emotions can affect a child at https://www.learningsuccesssystem.com/tips/cye
The most important thing I can recommend is to try to delay your response.

Key Takeaways:

When you get angry at your kids breath in deeply then back out.
Try to deal with the cause instead of the action.
Time is a factor in emotional responses.

How Parents Emotions Affect Their Children and What to Do About It - Melanie Musson

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