It is possible for girls to have ADHD and yet present different symptoms along the way. That may cause the doctor to misdiagnose girls affected by ADHD too. Doctors are working to correct that error and find a new way to apply the ADHD diagnosis. Parents should be made aware of the problem among these girls in the country.

Clinical Therapist, Dr. Recco Richardson, says for boys it’s pretty cut and dry, but for girls, those symptoms are less talked about.
~Mallory Pearson

Girls and boys display different ADHD symptoms.

Girls affected by ADHD have their own significant needs as patients in many ways. Up to 75% of girls are misdiagnosed with ADHD in the country these days. Doctors are looking into why that is the case overall as well. Their parents want to see the right label applied and treatment provided too.

Key Takeaways:

ADHD in girls age 8-12 has symptoms like depression so it often gets misdiagnosed. Boys can’t stop moving around so they are easier to be diagnosed.
Coping skills, a healthy diet, and structure are the best ways to help children, male and female with ADHD.
Because of the symptoms in girls, 75% of them go misdiagnosed.

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