ADHD has posed a significant challenge for parents everywhere. They want their children to succeed in school and even life. Surprisingly, there is a diet cure that is attracting attention from the news media. It promises to offer a new alternative to traditional treatment approaches. Read up on how the diet could improve their lives as well.

ADHD, a genetic disorder characterized by the combination of hyperactivity and an inability to pay attention, is typically treated using drugs that suppress the symptoms, says Beela G.K., a child development expert who led the study, as the then Director of CDS.
~Sreelakshmi Sivaraman

ADHD learners learn best when fed healthily.

Research was conducted on the use of these diets. Some findings were successful, but effects were limited for children under seven years old. Implement the intervention when possible for the best effects on younger crowds. Parents will know when they can try the diet approach for ADHD in the schools.

Key Takeaways:

Attention Deficit Hypertension Disorder (ADHD) is a genetic disorder. The symptoms include the inability to pay attention and extreme hyperactivity.
ADHD can be controlled with a healthy diet and medication.
The drugs prescribed to patients with ADHD are very addictive.

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