

root / May 6, 2023
Parents have an incredible power to shape their children's future. Research has consistently that the parenting styles, parental involvement, attachment, socio-emotional support, and home environment are positively associated with children's academic achievement, psychological well-being and social competence. Authoritative parenting, characterized by high levels of warmth and responsiveness as well as appropriate discipline, is often associated with the best outcomes in children. Parental involvement, secure attachment, socio-emotional support and a positive home environment can all contribute to successful futures for children. With these things in mind, moms have an incredible power to shape their children's future.Read more
Precious / May 2, 2023
Are you unintentionally hindering your child's growth mindset? In a recent conversation with my friend Jennifer, we discussed how constant praise for a child's intelligence or talent can lead them to develop a fixed mindset, where they believe their abilities are set in stone and cannot improve through effort and learning. This can lead to a downward spiral of anxiety and false confidence, as the child tries to prove themselves more and more. As they face new challenges in college, their fixed mindset leaves them ill-equipped to handle the higher expectations and tougher coursework, causing them to resort to excessive partying and avoiding their responsibilities. It's important to praise effort and learning strategies, rather than innate ability, as it fosters a growth mindset that encourages embracing challenges and viewing mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. Let's empower our children to develop a growth mindset and reach their full potential!Read more
Precious / Apr 29, 2023
Miranda: "Carla, my son's reading is still so bad. I'm about to lose it. I can't believe it. He's been struggling with reading for years, and no matter how much tutoring he gets, it seems like he's...Read more
Phil Weaver / Mar 22, 2023
Sarah had been trying to help her son Jake for years. Once Jake had hit third grade she noticed he seemed to be struggling in school, particularly in reading and writing. Over the next few years, his...Read more
Phil Weaver / Mar 22, 2023
Books are a uniquely portable magic. Stephen King It is what you read when you don't have to, that determines what you will be, when you can't help it. Oscar Wilde Once you learn to read, you will be...Read more
Phil Weaver / Mar 22, 2023
Parents are a child's first and most important teacher. By being involved in their child's education, parents can help set their child up for success. Unknown Education is not just about getting good...Read more
root / Mar 1, 2023
"You're always getting into trouble!" This phrase can make a child feel like they are constantly being judged and criticized. An alternative phrase could be "I know you're capable of making better...Read more
Phil Weaver / Mar 1, 2023
Hi I’m Samantha from Learning Success and we made this video to help parents build confidence in their children. There are many powerful neuroscience-based techniques that build confidence. And we...Read more
Phil Weaver / Feb 21, 2023
If you have read the comments on dyslexia videos, there are a few very common threads you have seen. Many of them about how dyslexia has affected people emotionally. Some about how it has held them...Read more
Phil Weaver / Jan 20, 2023
Has your child ever come home from school and said “My Teacher Hates Me!”Read more